Monday 4 May 2015

task 3 persuasive techniques

Features and benefits
The type of audience these products will be engaging with is passing audience because its old media and not new media.
Billboard are old media because you can't interact with the product,you would view this billboard on the sides of buses and driving pass them.
If you go pass a billboard repeatedly, it will likely to stick in your mind ,phone companies such as Apple,Nokia ,Sony want to promote their newest product through billboard,magazine ,pop ups and television slots(break) because it will increase their revenues.
This phone is using how you can record and capture in slow motion because it show you every shot that was taken : 'shoot the magic moment.Then relive it with the new vivaz. Perfectly designed to catch life all in HD video'.
The unique selling point of this advertisement is the camera effect that it comes with as stated in the quote at the bottom, also the picture on the advert shows the effects and what the camera on the phone can do.

celebrity endorsement

in this banner advert ,it is  new media.
David Beckham is a well known footballer.
iPhone 6 is the newest phone devices that apple has created, also the iPhone can bend but never break as it is being demonstrated by him.
The quote 'bend it like Beckham' represent how you can be just like him for a moment.
the background is black with white font to make them stand out.
Apple had chose David Beckham because he is globally known and this gives them exposure in the press.
Comparing the two advert
These 2 adverts are both showing one of their benefits.
after you have seen the advert,you can go online and view the official website where you will find out more information about the phones.
As the iPhone is more known than the sony Ericsson ,they will be promoted differently.


  1. L1Pass
    You have only described 1 advert. You need 2 different types for a Pass
    You need to explain 2 ads and compare for a Merit.

    1. How do you recognise this TYPE of advert?
    2. If the Beckham one is Celebrity Endorsement you need to describe this.

  2. Pass
    You have described the eprsuasive techniques in 2 adverts
