Thursday 7 May 2015

Assignment 2,task 4

Database practice

There is database legislation that has guidelines and rules relating to databases used for direct marketing purposes.
The rules include the following:
personal information must be held securely and safeguarded.this is to avoid it being used in an unauthorised way.if database is to be transferred to a another country oustide the European Economic Area there must be protection in place to keep the data safe.

Marketers must not make persistant and unwanted marketing communcation. Communcation must be restriced and shgould not be sent to consumers who have asked not to receive them.

Databases must be correct and up to date.
Marketing communcation sent by email must provide their full contact detail and vaid address so the recipient can send an opt-out requests.This rule applies to automated calls-marketers must provide address or free phone number so recoepts can opt -out.

Consumers have rights and must be informed about any personal infromation collected,this must be shared with the consent of the consumer.

Banned advert
The Kazam Tornado 348 tv advert was banned because it is objectifying women. When she goes to iron your shirts,as her phone rang it was in her shirt pocket and it doesn't get affected at all by the heat from the ironer at all.
She then ran her finger down her cleavage, bit her lip and moved her hand over her hip and thigh. After she pulled on her jeans, there was a close-up of her bottom, followed by shots of her ironing her shirt in her bra and then putting it on. 
This doesn't apply to a youth audience because it is not really advertising the phone.

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