Thursday 14 May 2015

assigment 2,task 5

 Dear Client,

As my banner ad is a new media sector and is only available via online platforms, the BCAP codes will not apply as they regulate broadcast Advertising.

I understand that as I am targeting a youth audience, the main codes that will be relevant to my banner advert will be:-

It will be truthful, legal, honest and an accurate information about the product and it does not include false messages and important information.

I confirm that my advert does not breach the CAP codes regarding online advertising or will bring about any complaints for enforcement by the ASA.


 Roopa Achall

Advertising Intern

Creative Solutions

Friday 8 May 2015

draft of banner advert

I had planned to created a banner advertisement for nike trainers.

My slogan" run like the wind' is an exaggeration ,which will not  break the law of marketing and advertising that states that advert must be truthful.
All the advert are exaggerating their product in some way.
My advert will be not banned by the ASA because it doesn't break any of their rules. 
When i was doing my research,I can  found that my advert will be used in a wide market.

My Banner Advert does not breach any of these regulations because it is advertising trainers,it is truthful and it is not encouraging illegal behaviour :

  • food
  • alcohol
  • beauty products
  • environmentally friendly products
  • medicines
  • tobacco
  • legal
  • decent
  • truthful
  • honest
  • socially responsible (not encouraging illegal, unsafe or anti-social behaviour)

Thursday 7 May 2015

Assignment 2,task 4

Database practice

There is database legislation that has guidelines and rules relating to databases used for direct marketing purposes.
The rules include the following:
personal information must be held securely and safeguarded.this is to avoid it being used in an unauthorised way.if database is to be transferred to a another country oustide the European Economic Area there must be protection in place to keep the data safe.

Marketers must not make persistant and unwanted marketing communcation. Communcation must be restriced and shgould not be sent to consumers who have asked not to receive them.

Databases must be correct and up to date.
Marketing communcation sent by email must provide their full contact detail and vaid address so the recipient can send an opt-out requests.This rule applies to automated calls-marketers must provide address or free phone number so recoepts can opt -out.

Consumers have rights and must be informed about any personal infromation collected,this must be shared with the consent of the consumer.

Banned advert
The Kazam Tornado 348 tv advert was banned because it is objectifying women. When she goes to iron your shirts,as her phone rang it was in her shirt pocket and it doesn't get affected at all by the heat from the ironer at all.
She then ran her finger down her cleavage, bit her lip and moved her hand over her hip and thigh. After she pulled on her jeans, there was a close-up of her bottom, followed by shots of her ironing her shirt in her bra and then putting it on. 
This doesn't apply to a youth audience because it is not really advertising the phone.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

task 4 Conventions

Task 4: Convention of banner advert

FIFA 15 is a football simulation video game developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts.

EA Sports had signed a deal with the Premier League as the Official Sports Technology Partner and it is football simulation video game developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts.

This banner advert shows all the teams that are involved.
This product can be played via the platforms like xbox one,ps4 because it means that they can increase their revenue ,also they could create an app where you discover more about the game or play. Media synergy can be used to promote fifa 15 by sponsorship ,for example match of the day 
Fifa 15 has created a demo because it allows the gamers to experience what the new game  will be like and it makes everyone excited for the game release as it may show short clips of the stadiums that are featured.

What information is the advert giving you – how does it catch your attention? (Product release date, Sale, Competition, Features etc…)
This advert  is showing that it is a demo,so it would make people excited for the full version to come.
Is this typical of banner adverts - why?
No because not so many companies produce demo of their game as they might create preview for their trailer.

What you do to make it interactive: shoot, click, close, fight, skip, answer etc
this advert could interactive by closing it or skipping the advert online.

Is this typical of banner adverts - what happens when you click?
when you click banner advert,you can visit the official website.

Why does this appeal?
it  appeals to footballer gamers.
How have they Branded advert (Logo, Trademark, Product, colour scheme?)
the brand logo/colour scheme is used in al of their advert as it would suit their theme 
Is this typical of banner adverts – why?
banner advert for brand like to create their advert differently but still have house style.
Are there more images than text?
There are  logos of the football teams to show who is involve in the banner advert.
images in the background ,it is faded but you can tell that it is football stadium with bright lights to make the teams logo stand out more.

What colour are used - Why does the above appeal to a youth audience?
colours- green like grass.

Where is your attention drawn to on the page – is this where the large central image is? fifa 15 demo-title is in the middle of the top with the EA sports logo.

 how big and what fonts are used – how many are different?
the fonts are large and bold.
under the teams logo, you can see what platforms it can be played on.

This advert is informing the audience about the newest Fifa 15 demo, however it doesn't have a release date which could make the players more interested  in the game when the whole version comes out.

The main purpose behind the advert is to grab the audience attention to come in a store and buy it and aimed at men youth audience who like football. you would find this banner advert as a banner on the internet as a digital version or in a sports magazine.
the banner advert and youtube video are both new media as they are both digital, but the ad was originally broadcast on tv as well.

Ad 2 TV advert World Cup TV spot
Is old media.
this is a typical advert because it includes all the information about that fifa world cup .

This advert will suit all ages because it is the World Cup tournament where countries play against each other in groups or stages until the final 2 are left.

This advert can be interactive through sharing,skipping on YouTube .

this is included in the info box : 'Remember the Mundial with this cool animation was shown repeatedly during the television broadcasts from the World Cup in Brazil.'

the world cup will be promoted into every countries that is participating in the tournament which make people aware of the other good players from different teams.

The 2014 FIFA World Cup  which took place at several venues across Brazil.

The 32 participating teams were drawn into eight groups.

Is there a story? If yes, what is it about?
If not, what is happening in the advert - what do you see?
Official TV opening scene- the story is about Brazil and how anyone can play football then it goes to air balloon with the countries that are involved and at the end  it goes to the stadium.

Is this typical for Broadcast Ads to do this - why?
Yes ,because it wants to show the audience what the events is like.

Why does this appeal to a youth audience?
football doesn't appeal just to a youth audience as it can appeal to all agers.

What can you hear (what TYPE of music, is there a voiceover) and how it sounds?
There is a soft music that creates an atmosphere and makes people aware of the football.

Is this typical for Broadcast Ads to do this for this kind of product - why?
To create an atmosphere

Why does this appeal to a youth audience?
football doesn't appeal just to a youth audience as it can appeal to all agers.

How long does this advert run for – or how long does it require you to read it?
The duration of this advert is 49 seconds,however normally advert are up to 30 seconds.

Is there more images than text?
more images than text are used in this advert .
these icons are present throughout the whole advert to let the audience know about fifa tv.

Is this typical for Broadcast Ads to do this - why?
It is typical broadcast advert that will be shown on the TV during the breaks.

Why does this appeal to a youth audience?
football doesn't appeal just to a youth audience as it can appeal to all agers.

What types of images are used – live action video or special effects – and what are they of?
special effects editing techniques are used to create this advert to flow between the scenes.
Is this typical for Broadcast Ads to do this - why?
yes as it is used on a wide scale to create advert to promote many products on the market.

What is the editing doing – is the advert quick or slow?
this advert flows between the scene very quicker

What happens at the end of the advert – is there a product shot and/or the logo/TM?
This is an animation advert for the 2014 fifa world cup. At the end of the advert, the trophy is shown for 12 seconds because they want to people to look at it.

Is this typical for Broadcast Ads to do this - why?
Yes -  it is showing the audience what the trophy looks like.
 how big and what fonts are used – how many are different?
the only text that is capital letters at the end of 19 seconds' fifa world up 2014' with the trophy.

Where is the (text) positioned?
it is positioned in the middle of the advert with the background- blue and green.

What information is it giving you – or how does it relate to the images?
it is telling you about the world cup 2014

What is the slogan – what words are used here to make it memorable?
No but it can be used to make the audience remember what the product really is.

Is this typical for Broadcast Ads to use minimal text and slogans - why?
Depends on what is being sold or advertised.

Monday 4 May 2015

task 3 persuasive techniques

Features and benefits
The type of audience these products will be engaging with is passing audience because its old media and not new media.
Billboard are old media because you can't interact with the product,you would view this billboard on the sides of buses and driving pass them.
If you go pass a billboard repeatedly, it will likely to stick in your mind ,phone companies such as Apple,Nokia ,Sony want to promote their newest product through billboard,magazine ,pop ups and television slots(break) because it will increase their revenues.
This phone is using how you can record and capture in slow motion because it show you every shot that was taken : 'shoot the magic moment.Then relive it with the new vivaz. Perfectly designed to catch life all in HD video'.
The unique selling point of this advertisement is the camera effect that it comes with as stated in the quote at the bottom, also the picture on the advert shows the effects and what the camera on the phone can do.

celebrity endorsement

in this banner advert ,it is  new media.
David Beckham is a well known footballer.
iPhone 6 is the newest phone devices that apple has created, also the iPhone can bend but never break as it is being demonstrated by him.
The quote 'bend it like Beckham' represent how you can be just like him for a moment.
the background is black with white font to make them stand out.
Apple had chose David Beckham because he is globally known and this gives them exposure in the press.
Comparing the two advert
These 2 adverts are both showing one of their benefits.
after you have seen the advert,you can go online and view the official website where you will find out more information about the phones.
As the iPhone is more known than the sony Ericsson ,they will be promoted differently.

Friday 24 April 2015

Task 2 : Types

Task 2

The perfect story/lifestyle (use of the product or service creates the perfect outcome,e.g. using a certain washing powder on your shirt gets you the job interview)
Both the proactiv and dove advert are promoting women lifestyle because when you use their products, your confident and skin will clear up. Pro activ is being demonstrated through their advert to show how amazing it really is. Likewise dove girl gives women confident and it is an viral advert to promote a buzz about the product or the whole range averrable online or in stores around the UK.

Skincare brand Proactiv has offered Justin Bieber help with his acne after he appeared in his mugshot last week with blemished skin and he was the ambassador between 2010 and 2012.
Justin Bieber is used to sell proactiv to teenagers as they are this main target audience for this music,when it said : 'Proactiv plus for teens-new'. 
Proactiv is used to clear your skin of and it is adverted to everyone,throughout the years,they have used many celebrity endorsement to show their stories such as  Nicole Scherzinger, Adam Levine, Ola Jordan and Julianne Hough.
This will be possible be advert in a women's lifestyle/fashion magazine because it will show them how to a get perfect clear skin and give them confident as they may not like their current appearance.
This advert can be seen/shown on a magazine app , where you can either skip the pop up or view the official page to find out more information.
As Justin Bieber's main target audience are female teenagers , teenagers magazine will be including this in their issues over the time period ,he is the ambassador.

Testimonial advert is an advert in which a person gives a written or spoken opinion about the product or service that is being advertised. 
A testimonial advert shows the good quality with their adverts, for example the Dove advert has women talking about how dove products have changed their lives by giving them confident in themselves. 
This advert is explaining 'what is a Dove girl to you? '
 Find out what these women have to say and also discover how Dove surprises them - this is the overall message of the advert because by watching it you can discover the qualities of a dove girl.
Dove has created a viral advert because it is a new creative way to show off the product.
These adverts are both digital because you can interact with them online .